• Hypnosis

Dental treatment for anxious patients in hypnosis in our dental office in Edelsfeld, in the district of Amberg Sulzbach (especially in the case of fear of dental treatment of severe gagging)

What is hypnosis?

Do you remeber an activity that you carried out with the greatest concentration, and which you simply forgot everything, time and surroundings?

This can happen to you at work, on a long drive, while jogging, in a concert or while reading an exciting story. Then you were surprised how quickly time had passed because you had experienced something „like in a trance“! You will surely also remember moments when someone looked through you with a „fixed gaze“: This „tunnel vision“ not only signals a trance-like state, it is also a biologically necessary resting phase for humans. The hallmark of hypnosis is trance, that is, a changed state of consciousness and definitely what is called an „everyday phenomenon“. It enables perceptions that are fundamentally different from those you experience in conscious, normal state.

How do you react in hypnosis?

The depth and duration of a trance can be determined by the hypnotist. There are characteristic signs of development and deepening in the patient: the pulse slows down, the breathing frequency becomes quieter, the blood pressure is reduced, the movements become more economical, the voice quality changes and the muscles are relaxed. This avoids fears and cramps. Access to the treatment area is made easier and your dentist can work precisely, quickly and in a concentrated manner. The patient can put himself in a comfortable emotional state. The feeling for temporal relationships is often lost, so that even relatively long-term treatments are perceived as pleasantly short by the patient. Today, discomfort or fear of visiting the dentist are actually superfluous. Because modern dentistry offers treatment methods and materials, with the help of which almost every dental therapy can be made as pleasant as possible. Nevertheless, there are small and adult patients who fear nothing more than the way to the dentist’s office. Hypnosis can offer a possibility to simplify the visit to the dentist even for such patients. The job of a dental hypnotherapist is to enable an unencumbered situation for his patients and thus also a relaxed treatment. In the trance state, the rational part of the brain „switches off“, the patient „thinks“ in pictures. Although he is responsive, he not only experiences the necessary dental measures, but almost always painless.

Tasks and opportunities

The trance state or hypnosis is used both in general medicine and specifically in surgery and increasingly also in dental treatments. Hypnosis procedures can be used to treat particularly anxious or tense patients who, before or during dental treatments:

  • Reacting with above-average sensitivity, or have not dares to practice for a long time
  • Cannot tolerate normal narcotics
  • Hypno-therapy is particularly suitable for patients who suffer from sever gag reflexes
  • As an accompanying measure for painful TMJ complaints and tension in the chewing muscles. Most people can be hypnotized. Intelligence, ability to concentrate and a pictorial imagination are particularly helpful. However, the exceptions are mentally ill people as well as alcohol and drug addicts.

Methods of Hypnosis

Certain techniques have been developed for hypnosis, which your hypnotherapeutic dentist calls „induction procedures“. This is an introductory phase in which your practitioner adapts to your individual behavior, such as breathing rhythm or the situations you experience as relaxing. In the management phase, he will guide you therapeutically to the desired state of trance. Basically, all trance initiations are based on fixing the patient’s attention to a certain object (e.g. light or certain point) or directing your concentration to a hand, for example, to switch off conscious processes. Many dentists active in hypnotherapy use special music CD’s with special, suggestively effective texts that the patient gets through headphones during treatment. For simple relaxation or trance, the music that the patient may bring along can often be used.

No more prejudices!


Despite increasing awareness in the media, such as television and radio, certain prejudices persist. "The hypnotic state is a kind of deep sleep in which you do not perceive anything", or "in a trance everyone is without will", are just two wrong examples. Forget about such prejudices. It is correct that the patient does not become "will less" in any way. He is concerned with his inner, personal interests and will only express things that he really wants to reveal. It is also true that hypnosis has been used in dental surgeries for decades in the United States, Sweden, Canada and in many other countries around the world.


It is true that hypno-therapy can only be used responsibly by dentists after a qualified theoretical and practical additional training. In Germany, many hypnotically active dentists have joined together in the DGZH (German Society for Dental Hypnosis). They will also be happy to tell you which dentist in your area has undergone further training and uses hypnosis.